It’s Easier Than You Think
Sharp Tools and A Little Patience
You’ll Be Addicted in No Time
Making a Canoe Paddle
Can You Do It | Choosing a Design | Ordering Plans | Step by Step | A Traditional Finish
Since having offered these templates gratis in early 2016 thousands of prospective paddles builders in more than 30 countries have downloaded the plans. Paddles have been made from good wood and bad; lumber-yard stock and feather-light air-dried woods; with hand tools and high-end gear in beautifully kitted shops.
At the core, a paddle is a simple thing. A jig saw, a spoke shave or belt sander, some sand paper and elbow grease is all you need. Of course, the best paddles are pieces of art with complex flowing curves and finely balanced mass. That most perfect paddle ever might be your first one, or it might not, but does it matter. Have at it! The folks below have.
I gave up
the waiting
and something
from the silence
of wood
— LW Lindquist
— or —
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